The Waltons : The Heartbreaker (1977) - Ralph Waite | Synopsis, Characteristics, Moods, Themes and R

Jason (Jon Walmsley) falls in love with Vanessa (Lynda Purl), the sister of his brother-in-law Curt (Tom Bower). Unfortunately, Vanessa arrives on the mountain with considerable "baggage": she has deserted her husband to pursue a singing career. Blind to Vanessa's fickle, opportunistic nature, Jason begins neglecting his schoolwork to help her fulfill her ambitions. Meanwhile,

The Waltons : The Heartbreaker (1977)

Run Time - 60 min.  |   Countries - United States  |  
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Synopsis by Hal Erickson

Jason (Jon Walmsley) falls in love with Vanessa (Lynda Purl), the sister of his brother-in-law Curt (Tom Bower). Unfortunately, Vanessa arrives on the mountain with considerable "baggage": she has deserted her husband to pursue a singing career. Blind to Vanessa's fickle, opportunistic nature, Jason begins neglecting his schoolwork to help her fulfill her ambitions. Meanwhile, John-Boy (Richard Thomas) tests out public reaction to his novel by publishing excerpts in the "Blue Ridge Chronicle."


