Legend Story Studios (LSS) announced the next Flesh and Blood Road to Nationals season is less than a month away.
The 2024 Road to Nationals season starts on February 17 and runs through March 10. Stores will be able to run events that feature Classic Constructed or Heavy Hitters Draft. While details on this year’s National Championships are still in the works, LSS expects to announce more information on the prestigious events in the coming months.
Road to Nationals events are competitive REL tournaments run at the local level that allow players a chance to qualify for their National Championship. The Top 4 players in each Road to Nationals event earn an invite to the National Championship and collect other prizes.
- First place walks away with a Common, Rare, or Majestic random drop gold foil card
- First and second place earn Heavy Hitters playmats featuring the art from the booster display
- Top 4 players qualify for the 2024 National Championship of the region they play in
- Top 8 players receive a random rainbow foil adult hero of either Rhinar, Victor, or Olympia
For more information on Road to Nationals or to find an event near you, check out the original announcement from LSS.
Heavy Hitters is schedule for release on February 2. If you’re going to Raise an Army with Kassai of the Golden Sand (both coming in Heavy Hitters) you’re going to need an army of Sellsword tokens. Preorder a booster case of Heavy Hitters from Star City Games to receive four (4) rainbow foil extended art Cintari Sellsword tokens while supplies last.
To get in on the Heavy Hitters action at a competitive level, plan to play in the Calling at SCG CON Hartford on February 3-4. The format is Heavy Hitters Limited, with PTIs, promo cards, and prize money on the line.