Who is Erin Carter? is a seven-part Netflix series that follows the life of a British expat teacher living in Barcelona, who has a mysterious past that comes back to haunt her after she gets involved in a supermarket robbery. The series was created by Jack Lothian, who also wrote for Doc Martin and Strike Back, and stars Evin Ahmad, Sean Teale, Indica Watson, Douglas Henshall, Denise Gough, and Jamie Bamber. It came out on Netflix on August 24, 2023.
The Plot
Who is Erin Carter begins with Erin Carter (Ahmad) fleeing from England with her young daughter Harper (Watson), leaving behind a mysterious threat. Five years later, they are settled in Barcelona, where Erin works as a substitute teacher at an international school and Harper attends as a student. Erin’s husband Jordi (Teale) is a nurse who is unaware of his wife’s secrets.
One day, Erin and Harper go to a supermarket where they witness a robbery by two masked gunmen. Erin uses her impressive fighting skills to subdue one of the robbers, but he recognizes her and says “It’s you” before dying. The other robber escapes and starts stalking Erin, who realizes that her past is catching up with her.
Erin tries to keep a low profile, but her heroic act attracts media attention and police investigation. She also faces trouble from Penelope (Charlotte Vega), a wealthy neighbor and the mother of the boy whom Harper beat up at school. Penelope wants Harper expelled, but Erin has some dirt on her that she can use as leverage.
Erin’s neighbor Emilio (Pep Ambròs), who is also Jordi’s best friend and a police detective, is assigned to the robbery case. He becomes suspicious of Erin’s actions and background, and starts digging into her history. He discovers that Erin is not her real name, and that she was involved in a covert operation that went wrong five years ago.
Meanwhile, Erin is contacted by Lena (Denise Gough), a woman from her past who claims to know what happened to her and why she had to run away. Lena offers to help Erin escape from the people who are after her, but she has her own agenda and motives.
As Who is Erin Carter progresses, we learn more about Erin’s past, the operation she was part of, the people who betrayed her, and the secrets she has been hiding from her family and friends. We also see how Erin tries to protect herself and her loved ones from the dangers that surround them, while facing the consequences of her actions.
The Cast
The cast of Who is Erin Carter? features actors from different countries and backgrounds, reflecting the diversity of Barcelona and the international school setting. Here are some of the main cast members and their roles:
Actor | Role | Description |
Evin Ahmad | Erin Carter | A British expat teacher with a mysterious past |
Sean Teale | Jordi Carter | Erin’s husband and Harper’s father, a nurse |
Indica Watson | Harper Carter | Erin’s daughter who is partially sighted |
Douglas Henshall | Daniel Lang | A villainous character who is after Erin |
Denise Gough | Lena | A woman from Erin’s past who offers to help her |
Jamie Bamber | TBA | A mystery role that has not been revealed yet |
The Review
Who is Erin Carter? is a thriller series that tries to combine different genres and elements: family drama, action sequences, plot twists, mystery, and suspense. However, it fails to deliver on any of them. Who is Erin Carter suffers from poor writing, cliched characters, unrealistic scenarios, slow pacing, and lack of tension.
The main problem with the series is that it does not make us care about the titular question: Who is Erin Carter? We are supposed to be intrigued by Erin’s secrets and sympathize with her struggles, but instead we are bored by her bland personality and annoyed by her stupid decisions. She is neither likable nor relatable as a protagonist.
The series also does not give us enough information or clues about Erin’s past or the operation she was part of. We are left in the dark for most of the time, without any clear motivation or stakes for the characters. The flashbacks are vague and confusing, and the revelations are disappointing and anticlimactic.
The supporting characters are also poorly developed and stereotypical. Jordi is a clueless husband who does not question his wife’s lies. Harper is the rebellious daughter who acts out at school. Penelope is the snobbish neighbor who hates Erin. Emilio is the nosy cop who snoops around. Lena is the mysterious ally who has ulterior motives. Daniel Lang is the generic villain who wants revenge. None of them have any depth or personality.
Who is Erin Carter also fails to create any suspense or excitement with its action scenes or plot twists. The action scenes are poorly choreographed and unrealistic, with Erin taking down multiple armed men with ease. The plot twists are predictable and illogical, with Erin’s enemies finding her conveniently or coincidentally. Who is Erin Carter also relies on too many coincidences and contrivances to move the story forward.
The series also wastes the potential of its setting and premise. Barcelona is a beautiful and vibrant city, but the series does not explore its culture or history. The international school is a diverse and interesting environment, but the series does not develop its characters or themes. The idea of a teacher with a secret past is intriguing, but Who is Erin Carter does not explain or justify it.
The Verdict
Who is Erin Carter? is a disappointing and dull thriller series that does not live up to its promise. It is poorly written, poorly acted, poorly directed, and poorly executed. It is the TV equivalent of a cry for help.