How To Use Discard Abilities in Neon White

Soul Cards in Neon White allow players to discard the card in exchange for a special ability that can be used for traversal and combat. Discarding abilities is a core mechanic in the Ghostrunner-like FPS platformer Neon White that allows the protagonist to toss a Soul Card in exchange for a special move. As players

Soul Cards in Neon White allow players to discard the card in exchange for a special ability that can be used for traversal and combat.

Discarding abilities is a core mechanic in the Ghostrunner-like FPS platformer Neon White that allows the protagonist to toss a Soul Card in exchange for a special move. As players parkour and fight their way through the demonic horde, they will use a variety of items known as Soul Cards. These cards serve as weaponry that players can use to slay Demons and destroy objects. Each Soul Card in Neon White has limited use and will vanish once its counter has been depleted. However, players also have the option to instantly discard the card's ability and utilize its special move.

For example, one of the first Soul Cards that players come into contact with is Elevate, a semi-automatic sidearm that can fire single bullets at a reasonably rapid pace. Once nine shots have been fired, the pistol will disappear, and the equipped weapon will revert to another Soul Card in the deck. On the other hand, if players use the Right Click Button on PC or the RB Button for Xbox controllers, the yellow Soul Card will disappear and cause the protagonist to "elevate" several meters into the air, granting a bonus jump.

Accordingly, every Soul Card possesses a special "discard ability" that is tied to traversal. Of course, some can be used in combat in Neon White. Yet, the main point of discarding abilities is to unlock a Soul Card's unique secondary power to traverse through Levels and get to areas the player would have otherwise been unable to reach. For instance, Gifts are collectibles that are needed to progress character Social Links with White. To get these collectibles, Neon White fans are required to discard their abilities to receive the special move used to reach the Gift's location.

Discarding Abilities In Neon White

There is a total of six Soul Cards in Neon White that players can discard to use a unique ability. The Katana and Fist are also Soul Cards, but these two do not grant any special moves; therefore, they are excluded from the list below:

  • Purify: Color - Purple | Discard Ability - Launch a sticky explosive that players can propel themselves off of.
  • Elevate: Color - Yellow | Discard Ability - Acts as an extra jump in this parkour platformer when airborne.
  • Godspeed: Color - Blue | Discard Ability - Launches the player with incredible in the direction they are facing.
  • Stomp: Color - Green | Discard Ability - Slam on the ground below to smash through barriers.
  • Dominion: Color - Teal | Discard Ability - Fires a grappling hook.
  • Fireball: Color - Red | Discard Ability - Launches the player in a specific direction after a delay, giving them time to aim.

Next: How to Unlock The True Ending in Neon White

Neon White is available on Nintendo Switch and PC.

Related Topics About The Author

Ethan is an American from California and holds a double-major degree in Business Admin. and Media & Comm. While adept in writing a variety of articles, he currently focuses on writing game guides for Screen Rant. He has a lifelong purpose of conquering his Steam backlog someday.

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