After nuclear war at the turn of the century, the citizens living on Earth in a post-apocalyptic year 2066 are divided into two distinct groups; The Insiders are the descendants of the wealthy corporations responsible for the devastation and live privileged lives inside of dome cities, while the Outsiders are those who live outside the domes, living on the scraps remaining of civilization. Outsider communities tend to degenerate into "gangs", who rule through brute force and use their "Battle Wheels" combat vehicles to retain control. Most of the gangs are collections of angry, twisted individuals brought together by common goals and a common hatred of everyone else. Feared by all are the dreaded Red Sixers, crazed cannibalistic mutants created by the negative life energy produced by the dying world. The Sixers, requiring constant sustenance prey on all the other inhabitants of the wasteland. When the Red Sixers attack and destroy the town of Stadium City, one inhabitant swears revenge. Managing to drive off the Red Sixers' leader, Rant, this young rookie's deeds gain the attention of another gang, The Company. He is recruited into their ranks and sent on a variety of missions to wage war on rival gangs.
Redline is a combination of First Person Shooter and Vehicular Combat game. Players can fight their enemies on foot with a variety of weapons, or hop into an empty Battle Wheels rig and start blowing things up with the vehicle's built in weapons. While inside of a car, the player is able to run over enemies, but while on foot is very much vulnerable to becoming street pizza by enemy rigs. Players can exit the vehicle and continue on foot at any time.
Gameplay takes place in huge outdoor levels which contain a variety of buildings and structures which will need to be explored on foot. The levels are in a "modular" format similar to Dark Forces or Aliens Versus Predator, in that instead of going from one level to the next, players are able to select any previous level from the new game menu. Unlike those games however, Redline has an ingame save feature which is good since it doesn't have an "easy" difficulty setting.
There are a total of twelve missions in the single player game which will take the player to locations such as Stadium City, Templar Strongholds, Battewheels combat tournaments and even Area 51.