The 2021’s Malayalam flick Nayattu is a compelling, realistic view into the life of a police officer and despite opening in theatres at the onset of the second wave of Covid 19, Nayattu received rave reviews from audiences and critics alike. The story unfolds through its three lead protagonists who are police personnel wrongfully accused in a hit-and-run case and after a slow buildup, ramps up at breakneck pace and is sure to leave audiences hooked till the end.
This hit film is now getting remade in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi languages. The Telugu rights have been acquired by Allu Arjun’s Geetha Arts. The makers have also reportedly finalised the cast and crew. Rao Ramesh,Priyadarshi, and Anjali are most likely to play the lead roles of Jojo George, Boban, and Nimisha’s roles respectively.
Earlier names like Satya Dev and Sree Vishnu names were heard in place of Priyadarshi for Kunchacko Boban’s role. The project will be directed by Karuna Kumar of Palasa and Sridevi Soda Center fame. Now that the Telugu remake is on cards, it is exciting to see how the painstaking detailed one-shot sequences and the raw authenticity director Martin Prakatt has imbibed into each scene will be remade.
Bunny Vas and Vidya Madhuri will be bankrolling the project and Allu Aravind will be presenting it. The regular filming will commence very soon.
Tags Nayattu