Rotting in the Sun | Rotten Tomatoes

Synopsis Writer-director Sebastin Silva's Sundance hit ROTTING IN THE SUN is a darkly funny and refreshingly audacious meta-comedy that skewers the business of filmmaking and our self-obsessed culture. While unwinding at a Mexican gay beach town, depressed director Sebastin Silva meets gregarious Instagram influencer Jordan Firstman (both playing versions of themselves), and Sebastin reluctantly agrees

Synopsis Writer-director Sebastián Silva's Sundance hit ROTTING IN THE SUN is a darkly funny and refreshingly audacious meta-comedy that skewers the business of filmmaking and our self-obsessed culture. While unwinding at a Mexican gay beach town, depressed director Sebastián Silva meets gregarious Instagram influencer Jordan Firstman (both playing versions of themselves), and Sebastián reluctantly agrees to collaborate on an upcoming project. But when Jordan arrives back in Mexico City, Sebastián is nowhere to be found. Jordan dances, sleeps and snorts his way through the city as he embarks on a quasi-detective journey to get to the bottom of Sebastián's disappearance.

Director Sebastian Silva, Sebastián Silva

Producer Adam Donald, Alex Hughes, Gabriel Stavenhagen, Anthony Gentile, Patricia Sanchez, Adrián Geyer

Screenwriter Sebastian Silva, Pedro Peirano, Sebastián Silva

Distributor MUBI

Production Co Spacemaker Productions, Diroriro, Icki Eneo Arlo, Hidden Content, The Lift

Genre Mystery & Thriller, Comedy, LGBTQ+

Original Language English

Release Date (Theaters) Sep 8, 2023, Limited

Runtime 1h 49m

